

Reflection is an active and conscious thought process that penetrates deeply into the essence of a given matter and subjects it to analysis. Reflection is subjective by nature, strongly referring to its own experience, feelings and desires. In the development of a human reflection plays an important role as a mechanism for coming to a conclusion and good understanding of an issue on the basis of the association with previously acquired experience and knowledge, which significantly improves the efficiency of training.

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Worth to know

  • The reflection Learning and Development (L&D) method encourages learners to think critically about their experiences, decisions, and actions, and use these insights to inform their future learning and development.

  • Encourage learners to engage in regular reflection by setting aside dedicated time for this process, such as at the end of a project, training session, or workweek. Consistent reflection helps learners build self-awareness, identify patterns, and track their growth over time.

  • Provide learners with guiding questions or prompts to help them structure their reflection and explore different aspects of their experiences. These prompts might encourage learners to consider their decision-making processes, challenges they faced, or areas for improvement.

  • Recognize that learners may have different preferences for how they engage in reflection. Offer a variety of reflection formats, such as journaling, one-on-one discussions, group debriefs, or even creative outlets like drawing or storytelling.

  • Reflection is a form of metacognition, or thinking about one's own thinking. Engaging in reflective practices helps learners develop metacognitive skills, which are essential for effective problem-solving, decision-making, and self-regulation.