

Expert blogs are Internet pages on which experts publish their thoughts, inspirations, suggestions and share their experience in the form of short articles. Their crucial feature is that they allow visitors to comment on the views expressed on blogs and to ask questions. Most often there are groups interested in a given subject that gathers around blogs.
The blog can be treated as a knowledge or inspiration source for learners, but also one can think of involving learners in blog authoring, especially in long learning processes.

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Worth to know

  • The blog can be quite effective in building the authority of its author as an expert if the contents of posts are of high factual value.

  • A blog can contain posts relating to other resources that are the most valuable to the blog's readers and not just purely original content.

  • The blog can be an active form if the trainer engages the students in its creation. It can also make it easier for an organization to discover the talents and interests of the involved employees who want to share their knowledge.

  • Sharing the ability to publish information on an internet or intranet blog with the employees strengthens the knowledge-sharing culture in the organization. 

  • Using a blog as a tool to build an internal culture of sharing knowledge may be hard, if the decision-making process in the company is long, and posts require a complex process of green lighting content.

  • A blog is basically a standalone website focused on one subject and usually presenting content from one author, although that is not what defines it.

  • inside or outside of an organization it is possible to create blogs with a well-defined form of posts - for example “best practices”. In this case, posts can be given a unified form via the use of correct fields in a form in every post.

  • The blog is quite an active form. Posts appear regularly and they can be graded, commented on, and spark discussions. At the same time a blog, with time, becomes a big library of content spanning multiple entries collected through years of activity.

  • While creating a new blog it is worth starting with a “critical mass” of content, which means having at least 10 posts and a publishing plan for the next months.

  • For the creators of a blog, a very important thing is its searchability and good SEO. It is important for the content to be written with the awareness of the right keywords and the use of correct metadata. Thanks to that blog entries are easier to find in the web and search engines put the blog’s entries high in search results.