

The check-list is a content resource that defines a complete list of tasks to perform. The aim of creating a checklist is to prevent a situation in which the completion of important or critical tasks is dependent on the memory of the person responsible for their realization. Checklists are often used as support mechanisms in the workplace.

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Worth to know

  • Thanks to file-sharing solutions checklists can be available remotely for multiple people in a team. People who have the right permissions can tick off parts of the list.

  • Thanks to control lists it is possible to concentrate on the completion of one specific action because the fact that a person has access to a list of all their tasks frees the mind from analyzing the completion of every finished task and every task that is yet to be done.

  • Control lists allow for valuable return information to be constructed by the trainer, instructor, or boss faster and easier thanks to the ability to reference concrete, specific actions instead of formulating an imprecise general grade.

  • A checklist is a form that’s very oriented towards the practice of action. Its short form and construction highlights its practical solution. A checklist is also usually a method used to simplify a complex issue to the level of a small list of terms that can be ticked off.

  • Control lists were widely used for the first time in 1934 in aviation. The company that used them first was Boeing, it was used in their 299 model prepared for the American army. Introducing control lists was the result of a plane crash during one of its first flights because of a locked horizontal stabilizer during take-off.

  • On a checklist, multiple elements can be found. They can for example be conditions that have to be met to progress - for example, conditions for allowing a plane to fly. They can also be tasks that have to be done to reach a goal. They can be the conditions for receiving some sort of grant as well.

  • A checklist is a natural form used intuitively by many people. We make shopping lists or task lists. Usually, it is a natural form of writing out complex issues into their base components - for example writing out conditions that have to be met to get something done in an institution.

  • The checklist is a tool that ensures completeness, because it shows things that are part of a whole in a simple form, and does not allow a person to skip any of them. 

  • A checklist can be a form of communication if it is available to multiple people. Members of the group can mark off parts of the list and the whole team and the trainer can observe their progress.