

The microblog is a form of communication with a group of people based on the idea of blogging (Internet event log). Unlike the blog, the microblog is based on much shorter messages (usually no more than 140 characters) and much more frequent publication of posts by the blogger (often a few posts per day). The main educational function of the microblog is to create the "cloud of inspiration" consisting of references (links) to interesting content items that complement the development of competences.

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Worth to know

  • A microblog can be run on communication tools used inside organizations (e.g. Slack, Asana), taking advantage of the fact that every employee has access to them.

  • The microblog is an effective tool for building a personal brand or the brand of a company.

  • The microblog is a method for quick and direct communication with the learner. Because of that it can be especially useful in longer forms of development and in lifelong learning.

  • The microblog can also be used as an active form, as a task for the learners, it teaches them how to be concise and accurate in their communications.

  • The microblog can direct the learners attention towards current events, especially towards valuable resources that are worth watching.

  • The microblog can be periodical, which means that the messages can appear in regular time intervals. This gets the recipients used to a constant tempo of development.

  • The microblog can be used to cultivate a habit of lifelong learning.

  • The messages on a microblog are usually short and can contain illustrations, video materials, and links to other resources.

  • The most well-known microblog tool is Twitter. It is commonly used - a lot of the time by politicians, celebrities, companies, and other public figures.