
Peer-to-peer learning

Peer-to-peer learning is a social way of learning from and teaching others. These are usually brief moments of learning in which a knowledgeable person supports a less knowledgeable person in mastering a skill or getting knowledge. Most often there are no clearly outlined trainer and trainee roles ("one time I am a trainer, the other I am a trainee").

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Worth to know

  • Teaching peers requires learners to process information at a deeper level, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

  • This method fosters the development of essential soft skills, including communication, leadership, empathy, and critical thinking, as learners interact closely with their peers.

  • Peer-to-peer learning is adaptable to various learning styles, as it can include discussions, presentations, hands-on projects, and more, catering to the preferences of different learners.

  • Create a culture of trust and respect, where learners feel comfortable sharing knowledge and asking questions without fear of judgment.

  • Rotate peer groups or learning partners periodically to expose learners to diverse perspectives and prevent groupthink, enhancing the richness of the learning experience.

  • Use digital platforms and tools to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, especially in virtual or blended learning environments. Forums, chat groups, and collaborative documents can support interaction among learners.

  • Learners tend to retain information better when they explain it to others, making peer-to-peer learning an efficient method to deepen understanding.