
Social network

The social network is a network of different types of relationships between people - the users of the network. With the development of the Internet, the term social network environment usually means a web environment that organizes and administers the network of relations that allows to use this network for various purposes (including development). For the training purpose the social network makes it easy to reach out to a person that is characterized with some specific expertise and experience and allows to receive messages (inspiration, links to interesting resources) from other users of our network.

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Worth to know

  • This method encourages peer-to-peer learning, where individuals can learn from each other's experiences, insights, and feedback, promoting a collaborative learning environment.

  • Social networks provide access to a vast array of learning resources, including articles, tutorials, webinars, and e-books, contributed by community members from around the globe.

  • The dynamic and evolving nature of social networks makes them an excellent tool for lifelong learning, enabling individuals to continuously update their knowledge and skills in response to changing demands and interests.

  • Actively work to build and nurture a learning community by encouraging interaction, sharing valuable resources, and fostering a supportive atmosphere.

  • Make use of the multimedia capabilities of social networks to share or create diverse content types, such as videos, podcasts, infographics, and interactive discussions, to cater to various learning styles.

  • Encourage learners to network with peers and professionals within the community, facilitating mentorship opportunities and professional connections.

  • This approach harnesses the power of digital networks to connect learners with peers, educators, and experts, creating dynamic online communities dedicated to knowledge exchange and educational growth.

  • Social network learning often occurs in informal settings, allowing learners to explore subjects of personal interest or professional development outside the constraints of formal education systems.